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4 Day Fitzgerald River Wildflower Safari with Botanical Guide


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4 Day Fitzgerald River Wildflower Safari

with Botanical Guide


  • Botanical Guide (Day 2 & 3)
  • Colour Coded Field Guide
  • Wave Rock
  • Fitzgerald River National Park
  • Hippo’s Yawn
  • Motel Accommodation
  • 3 evening meals, 3 breakfasts


Western Australia Golden Outback, South West, and Western Australia


3 Nights Motel

Departure Dates

7 October 2024 - Waitlist Only!

Feature Name
14 October 2024

Feature Name

Departure from Perth





Single Accommodation


Single Tent Only


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Itinerary Details

Day 1

(MD, Motel) East out of Perth to the oldest inland town in WA, York, on the banks of the Avon River. Through the wheatbelt towns of Quairading, Corrigin and Kondinin to Wave Rock. Explore the flora around this interesting granite outcrop with our botanical guide. After lunch follow the chain of lakes from Lake Gounter to Lake King to Ravensthorpe and our base for three nights Hopetoun. Note: Wave Rock entry included.

Day 2

(FB, MD, Motel) A full day in and around the Fitzgerald River National Park. The park contains over 1800 species of plants with 250 of these being rare and 62 being known to be found only within the confines of the park. Some species of interest include the royal hakea, qualup bell, scarlet banksia, showy banksia, bell-fruit mallee, pea flowers, feather flowers and many species of eucalypts and bottlebrushes.

Day 3

(FB, MD, Motel) Spending the morning north of Hopetoun in the nature reserves and green belts heading to Ravensthorpe. The sandy soil on this south coast produces such diversity each walk gives a new variety of flowers. In the afternoon we hit the ocean at Starvation Boat Harbour and return to Hopetoun along the Jerdacuttup Lakes.

Day 4

(FB) A morning visit to the Yongergnow Australian Malleefowl Centre, a unique experience into the mallee environment of the endangered malleefowl. To Katanning for lunch before reaching Albany Highway and returning to Perth. Note: Malleefowl Centre included.

Note: Program details may change due to variations in flower growth from season to season.

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